OPSI Group S.r.l.

“The Logistics of the Year” Award 17th edition

OPSI Group receives the special mention at the 17th edition of the "Logistics of the Year" award for the implementation of the software platform Logistic Hub Solution already financed in 2020 by the Lombardy Region through the Call SI4.0 - Development of innovative solutions.

The event created by Assologistica and the Euromerci newspaper awards prizes to managers and companies that have made innovation in logistics their strong point.

The Logistic Hub Solution platform has been awarded since it allows logistics operators to improve their transport performance, fleet management and supplier qualification.

With Logistic Hub Solution, users can optimize internal logistics processes and greatly reduce loading and unloading times.

Among the main innovations within the platform we can count the following features:

  • geolocation - for vehicles traceability ensuring strategic information to support travel management and optimisation;
  • products loading and unloading planning - to manage vehicles queues and reduce expectations throughout the supply chain;
  • company documents dematerialisation - a digital archive in which to store information allowing a transport company, drivers vehicles supplied to companies to be qualified.

Find out more about the Logistic Hub Solution platform.

Download the pdf to view the individual awards and their reasons

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OPSI Group receives the special mention at the 17th edition of the "Logistics of the Year" award for the implementation of the software platform Logistic Hub Solution already financed in 2020 by the Lombardy Region through the Call SI4.0 - Development of innovative solutions.

The event created by Assologistica and the Euromerci newspaper awards prizes to managers and companies that have made innovation in logistics their strong point.

The Logistic Hub Solution platform has been awarded since it allows logistics operators to improve their transport performance, fleet management and supplier qualification.

With Logistic Hub Solution, users can optimize internal logistics processes and greatly reduce loading and unloading times.

Among the main innovations within the platform we can count the following features:

  • geolocation - for vehicles traceability ensuring strategic information to support travel management and optimisation;
  • products loading and unloading planning - to manage vehicles queues and reduce expectations throughout the supply chain;
  • company documents dematerialisation - a digital archive in which to store information allowing a transport company, drivers vehicles supplied to companies to be qualified.

Find out more about the Logistic Hub Solution platform.

Download the pdf to view the individual awards and their reasons

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